CNIC demonstrated its preparedness before European Commissioners

On November 25, 2022, Prof. RNDr. Pavol Miškovský, DrSc., Chairman of the Board of CNIC, presented a key plan for the development of the East Slovak region embodied in the CNIC during the visit of the European Commission delegation at the Technical University in Košice. The meeting was attended by Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Veronika Remišová, Minister of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic and Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, and Vladimír Šucha, Head of EC Representation in Slovakia.

The Commissioners had the opportunity to learn about the development possibilities of the city of Košice and the region of Eastern Slovakia by means of creating new, knowledge-based industry. Key factors contributing to the success of CNIC, the founding members of which are UPJŠ, TUKE, UVLF, SAV, UNLP, the city of Košice, KSK and Cassovia Discovery Park, are institutional support not only from the Slovak government or local government, but also from the European Commission.

The presentation of CNIC’s results, successful projects and established start-up companies demonstrated that the scientific and research environment in Košice is ready to put results of the 4th industrial revolution into practice. It is this very revolution that can change the future face of Košice in the European perception of progress and innovation.